I’ve always loved ‘Year In Review’ shows, so why not make one for myself?
Here’s a list of things I got up to this year.
Traveled, a lot: Maui, LBI (twice), Williamsburg VA, Disney & Universal Orlando
Bought a lot of records - finished off my Fall and Stereolab collections
Didn’t read nearly as much as I would have liked - must try to change that (again) in 2020
Left Facebook and Instagram, which feels amazing
Left the real estate industry
Took some actual time off from work
Took care of all those household jobs that have been put off for years
Built this website, and archived all my work over the past 25 years from college onwards
Reconnected with many old friends
Started a great new job that provides me happiness, with a team I love being around
We said goodbye to Maya
We said hello to Macy and Freda
Stopped traveling for work, which feels amazing
Renovated our front room, front porch, downstairs bathroom, back room and deck
Went to my second home Browns game
Doubled down on kindness as a career strategy
Read a lot more news than I’ve ever done before (mainly Brexit)
Become a lot more nostalgic about my life in London
Struggled to read the comic books that arrive every month
Saw Morrissey, Khruangbin, Johnny Marr, Stereolab, Seefeel, Interpol
Broadened my music tastes - Captain Beefheart, Spacemen 3, Loop, Flying Saucer Attack
I still don’t watch much TV, but I enjoyed Game of Thrones, The Mandalorian, Stranger Things 3