Small Beginnings

Living In Denville
We talk to the Shadbolt family of Denville, NJ about what drew them to the area.
BY CHRISTINE COPPA Published: December 12, 2014
Why Denville?
Mary: We chose the area back in 2006 when we moved from Hoboken because of its proximity to the city. It’s really a charming town not far from our families, with great schools, restaurants and a downtown area with loads of shops. But mostly we’ve fallen in love with the community. People here really like each other and rally together in times of need, like during Hurricane Irene when we all flooded. There was always someone around with a meal or a sandbag or offers of babysitting. During Sandy we were without power for 11 days—Emma learned to eat dinner by flashlight! Our neighbor across the street came over with a super long extension cord so we could share his generator and charge our phones. Everyone here is so amazing, we truly couldn’t imagine moving away.
What is your childcare situation?
Our daughter goes to preschool three mornings a week. Sometimes she stays an extra hour for lunch. The rest of the time she is with me! Though there are days I wish I went to an office or had more time to myself, I wouldn’t trade being a stay-at-home mom for the world.
Where do you go on date night?
Our newest night out is roller-skating at Florham Park Roller Skating Rink. We like to do “date day trips,” too. Emma gets to spend a day with her grandparents, and we head to a museum, a play or a sculpture garden.
What’s your favorite place to eat?
La Cucina (278 Diamond Spring Rd.). It’s a really quaint Italian place along the Morris Canal set up in what used to be a general store.
What’s a family Saturday like?
We head to a playground with some friends and then make our way to Denville Dairy. We also have the best library around—they’re constantly putting on events and doing story times for children.
What is your favorite home memory?
Right after we bought our house we were driving back and forth from Hoboken bringing items and boxes up by the carload. One night it was late and pouring, so we decided to stay at our new house. Only, we didn’t have furniture. No couch, no bed, no pajamas. We just curled up on the floor in our “bedroom” under a blanket and laughed at our small beginnings.